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Choosing a Name

There is no doubt that one of the most important decisions that a Jewish parent has to make is naming their new baby. This is for several reasons. The most obvious reason is that he will be called by this name for the rest of his life! Additionally, Chazal teach us that the name of a child will have an effect on their character traits.

While for those who have a relative to name after this is a simple decision, it is a more difficult choice for those who don't. Therefore, I have compiled a list of 100+ popular Jewish boy's names to make it easier for parents to choose a name:

Choosing a Name The Bris Guide
  1. Aharon

  2. Akiva

  3. Amram

  4. Aryeh - Ari

  5. Asher

  6. Avigdor

  7. Avraham - Avi

  8. Baruch

  9. Bentziyon - Bentzy

  10. Ber

  11. Betzalel

  12. Binyamin

  13. Chaim

  14. Chananya

  15. Chanoch

  16. Daniel

  17. David

  18. Dov - Dovy

  19. Ephraim

  20. Eitan

  21. Elchonon

  22. Eliezer - Eli

  23. Elimelech - Eli

  24. Elisha - Eli

  25. Eliyahu - Eli

  26. Ezra - Ezzy

  27. Ezriel - Ezzy

  28. Gamliel

  29. Gavriel

  30. Gedalia

  31. Gershon

  32. Hillel

  33. Kalman

  34. Leib - Leiby

  35. Levi

  36. Lipa

  37. Malkiel

  38. Matisyahu - Matis

  39. Meir

  40. Menachem

  41. Menashe

  42. Mendel - Mendy

  43. Meshulam

  44. Micha

  45. Michael

  46. Mordechai - Mordy

  47. Moshe - Moishy

  48. Nachman

  49. Naftali

  50. Nechemia

  51. Nesanel

  52. Nissan

  53. Noach

  54. Noam

  55. Nochum

  56. Nosson

  57. Ovadia

  58. Peretz

  59. Pesach

  60. Pesachya

  61. Pinchas - Pinny

  62. Refael - Rafi

  63. Reuven

  64. Shabsi

  65. Shalom

  66. Shaul - Shauly

  67. Shimon - Shimmy

  68. Shimshon - Shimshy

  69. Shlomo - Shloimy

  70. Shmaryahu

  71. Shmuel - Shmueli

  72. Shneur

  73. Shraga - Shraggi

  74. Simcha

  75. Tuvia

  76. Tzadok

  77. Tzvi (Hirsch)

  78. Uri

  79. Uriel

  80. Velvel - Volvi

  81. Yaakov - Yanki

  82. Yair

  83. Yechezkel

  84. Yechiel

  85. Yedidya - Didi

  86. Yehoshua

  87. Yehuda

  88. Yekusiel

  89. Yerachmiel

  90. Yeshayahu

  91. Yirmiyahu - Yirmi

  92. Yisrael - Sruli

  93. Yissachar - Suchi

  94. Yitzchak - Yitzi

  95. Yochanan - Yochi

  96. Yoel - Yoili

  97. Yom Tov

  98. Yona - Yoni

  99. Yonoson

  100. Yosef - Yossi

  101. Zalman

  102. Zev - Zevy

  103. Zecharia

  104. Zelig

  105. Zevulun

© 2023 by Rabbi Shlomo Golish

Tel: (848) 326-2120

Rabbi Shlomo Golish

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