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*Please note: This page is for Israel ONLY*

Simcha Halls

Please bear in mind that some of these halls charge more for Shabbosim, and some offer Menu upgrades.

Ahavas Torah - Torat Hesed St 1 - Hall and Catering - Menu at 45 nis per person - Minumum 50 Guests - (02) 502-2020


Alumim HaKatan - In the Igloo Park in Ramat Eshkol - No Catering Provided - 600 nis - (052) 766-1217


Alumim HaGadol - In the Gan HaChamisha Asar in Ramat Eshkol - No Catering Provided - 800 nis - (050) 857-5536


Bais Miriam Gittel - Maalot Dafna - No Catering Provided - 800 nis - (052) 380-2153


Bais Yisroel - Ezras Torah 18 - Hall and Catering - Menu at 90 nis per person - Minimum 60 Guests - (02) 538-4534

The Bris Guide Caterer
The Bris Guide Caterer
The Bris Guide Simcha Hall

Bnei Torah - Next to ZNT - No Catering Provided - 800 nis - (050) 857-5536


Ezras Torah - Sanhedria Murchevet - Hall 300 nis - Catering is 50 nis per person - Minimum 50 Guests - (052) 768-1417


Sadigura -Shmuel Hanavi 79 - Hall 1200 - Option for La Casa catering 85 nis per person, includes hall - Minimum 60 Guests - (052) 710-0867


Satmar - Ezras Torah 24 - Hall and Catering - Menu at 60 nis per person - Minimum 50 Guests - (02) 537-9412


Shevet HaLevi - Ohalei Yosef 17 - No Catering Provided - 950 nis - (02) 537-2590


Zvhil - Near the Mir -  No Catering Provided - Price is 900 nis for the big hall, 700 nis for the medium, and 600 nis for the small one - (052) 762-2850


Catering by Rochy - Menu at 45 nis per person - Minimum 60 Guests  (054) 846-6001


The Kiddush Club - Menu at 85 nis per person - Minimum 60 Guests - (054) 782-5420


Moishele's Catering - Menu at 45 nis per person - Minimum 75 Guests - (058) 432-7527


Easy Does It - (052) 714-1530


The Bris Guide Caterer

Shalom Zachor Gemach - Mrs. Mitnick will buy everything you need for your Shalom Zachor for cost price, plus a fee of 180 nis, including delivery. Option for a waiter for 400 nis - (052) 768-2922


Pillow, Outfit, Benchers, Otzar HaBris - Maavar Hamitla 2/1 - (058) 629-7453


Pillow, Outfit, Cloth Diapers, Zocher HaBris - Mevo Timna 6 - (02) 532-5633


Everything you need for a Bris in a suitcase - Sanhedria Murchevet 103 - (052) 716-4377


Bilirubin Testing

Bilirubin Testing Gemach - Located on Yam Suf - (054) 845-8416 - 70 shekel - Additional fee for home visits


Ezrat Achim - (052) 768-2222

The Bris Guide Bilirubin Test

© 2023 by Rabbi Shlomo Golish

Tel: (848) 326-2120

Rabbi Shlomo Golish

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